Friday, April 29, 2011


I've been putting this off hoping I could post some pics but that isn't happening, so here goes. There are always women in my ward who are pregnant. Right now there are 4 of us due within weeks of each other. One woman and I are due within days of eachother. One is having a boy and two are having girls. I will be the tie breaker or evener. Anyway we had a triple baby shower to make it easier on those wanting to throw one for us. We had diaper cakes which turned out so cute! Love them. One lady in the ward made two cakes and they were so delicious. We had a nice turn out, and people volunteered to make food for the brunch. Muffins, keish, fruit and juice.

We played a quick game of guess the size of everyone's belly. I thought that was pretty funny.

It was a pretty busy day. There was a ward temple trip that afternoon and our hostess was incharge of the nursery for it. So she didn't even get to stay for the whole thing. All three of us who participated in the shower opened our gifts together. We got homemade bath towels with hoods, homemade nursing covers and two women wrapped their washclothes and onsies to make what looked like cupcakes. There are many talented women in my ward!

A sad thing happened during the shower. The fourth woman who is pregnant, she chose to help with the shower, her husband got in an accident.

He was driving a few youth to a stake activity, including my visiting teacher's son when they were hit by a tanker in oil country. The car was totaled and the boy was taken to the hospital. Thankfully nothing serious was wrong and he was able to go home the same day.

Me and one of the other pregnant women stayed and helped calm the mother's nerves. So the shower was at 9 and I got home after noon. It was a long morning. When I got home V kept trying to eat my diaper cake and he wanted one of the "cupcakes." I immediately wrote thank you notes and sorted the gifts so they take up less room until I have a place to put them.

Speaking of wich I keep trying to prepare for the baby and I keep running into snags. I need a dresser to put the baby clothes and blankets in. And I need to clean our room so I know where to put the bassinet in our limited amount of space bedroom. At least I have been organizing all the baby clothes so they are easier to find!

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