Monday, April 4, 2011


I am on a roll! One blog a month. Hopefully that won't be the case this month. There is just too much happening. The dr. wants to see me every three weeks. So I get to go on my mom's birthday (the 12th)! Easter is on my parents wedding anniversary. Happy 29 years together! My birthday is this month!!!! Not sure how I feel about turning 28. Nope don't know. We got snow yesterday. Not fun. Although it wasn't a lot and it didn't stick for long it does make 7 consecutive months of snow. And I DO NOT want to see snow come again this october!!!!!!! That would mean only 5 months out of the year without snow. No wonder we want to get out of Minot for a while, or permanantly if the job opportunities were there!!!! Speaking of wich M's job is still slowed down. They get off every friday at lunch and go in ever day an hour later. But he just passed his builder 3 level so that was a raise!!!! I will be 30 weeks on friday. Unbeleiveable! And because I am in my 3rd tri-mester I have become an emotional roller coaster. Poor M he never knows if something he says will set me off. Some times I cry for no reason what so ever. And then there was yesterday. V managed to pull my hair on accident, well his fingers got caught in a curl, and I started to cry. I couldn't stop crying for about 5 minutes I just cried, and the pain had subsided. Well through the crying I was talking to M and told him that I didn't know why I was still crying and that I hated being me. M likes to make me laugh to get me to stop crying (which is one of the things I love about him) so I started to laugh cause it worked, but I was STILL crying AT THE SAME TIME. I was really creeping M out. It was a wierd 15 minutes. I wasn't emotional in this manner with the first pregnancy so it is another reason I think we are having a girl. We set a date for the c-section. It will be June 14th. I feel that it is weird to know the day your baby will be born. A part of me wants to try to experience labor again. Maybe some contractions this time. Or at least not have my water break so early in the game. V just keeps getting funnier and funnier. He will come and sit behind you and pull you back so you squish him. Then if you try to get up he chokes you back to him. He doesn't like to ride in the shopping cart anymore, so I get a little boy walking near me at the grocery store who doesn't watch where he is going or walking in front of. If we go to the produce section he tries to help put things in the cart. I have to keep an eye on him or he will take bites out of tomatoes, apples, avacodos, or anything else he picks up. I had to buy some grapes because he reached in the bag and took one. But we are working on what we do or don't do at the store. He has some friends from church, they are brothers, he calls one by his first name, Caleb, and the other by thier last name, Meade. So you here things like "Bye Meade" or "come here Meade" We went to a play group at the church where you could ride on toys in the gym. V takes his tricycle with a basket on back. I look over at him, and he has little Caleb sitting on the bucket so they can ride together. It was one of the cutest things I had ever seen. Happy April to you all!

1 comment:

Lyle and Lori said...

Wow!Lots of good information. It's getting close. You and Tristin will have babies probably only a couple weeks apart depending when they schedule her c-section. They are having a boy. Hope the time flies for ya. XOXO, Lori