Friday, October 29, 2010

A whole Month

I can't believe that October is already almost gone. Where does all that time go? I was sitting here thinking that nothing has been happening. When actually we have been busy. I have been working and M and V have been spending a lot of nights together!

At the beginning of this week we got a blizzard. With a couple of inches of snow. Ever since then V has been aching to go out in the "now." I am not looking forward to this winter season.

We managed to get a flat tire and then I drove on it. Ruining it. So we are currently driving around on the donut. So need to get a new tire. But we will.

While at the store yesterday V got a pumpkin or as he calls it a Punkin. Too cute. And then we brought it home he snaped off the handle. But we glued it back on. So tonight we will be carving a punkin. He can even sort of say trick-or-treat.

V has managed to get a cold. I don't think his glands are swollen but he has a wicked cough and runny nose. But that doesn't slow him down at all.

M and I have been busy winterizing the house. We have really bad windows that leak air. Cold air. Into the house. So we taped up the windows and the house is nice and warm now. We don't even need extra blankets on the bed!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

V learned something new

V learned to get in bead all by himself. Too funny cause then he decides that he needs to lead the music from conference in the living room.


V got a monkey costume from Old Navy and he loves it. Plus I think he looks super cute in it.

A Quicky

I am loving V today!!!!! I am so pleased with the the things he his picking up. During this past conference he actually sat through most of the Sunday morning session. And when it was time for the opening prayer he sat there with his arms folded and head bowed for most of it. And it was a long prayer for a two year old.

The other thing is his manners. Sometimes we have to remind him that when he wants something he has to say please. But the best is when we don't remind him and he comes along and grabs your hand and says: I want, mease!!! Too cute.

My last love about this little cutie for this post is his facial expression. And I won't be able to describe it because you really have to see it. But he furrows his eyebrows as far as they go and pucks out his lips with an expression on his face that clearly reads: What the heck is this wierdness.

I love every moment with this exasperating, independent, loving, smart, messy, talkative little cutie.

Yep I am utterly in love.