I feel unprepared for it. Dishes are waiting, food needs to be cooked in advance. I work a lot. I have decided to make a table runner out of some bright fall colored fabric. Haven't even started it yet. And yet I am terribly excited about Thanksgiving. Once again our ward gave us a box of Thanksgiving food. Including a large turkey, a frozen pumpkin pie, dressing, and other goodies. The only problem is I had already bought a small turkey breast because it is going to be just the three of us this year.
I also have plans to make a strawberry rhubarb pie. Yummy! And homemade rolls.
I just need to buckle down and do it all. This weekend is out though. It is dedicated to eradicating the dishes. And hopefully clearing off the table. That will create the work space to make the table runner. I only have tuesday and thursday off. So I will be busy. BUSY I say!
V has been watching this cute little show called Shaun the Sheep. We all like it. But there are only 14 episodes. So we watch them over and over and over again.
The weather has turned cold. Down in the low low numbers. It has snowed off and on for the last two weeks. In fact this morning it is snowing. It sounds like it isn't going to let up until tomorrow. I have to drive at night in it because of work. It scares me because I am not the best weather driver.
If you look at the side of my blog I have a weather thing and it should tell you what temp we are currently at and what the weather is doing. So feel free to feel sorry for us. But we are staying warm.
In other news things I am thankful for this season: a loving wonderful Heavenly Father for all the blessing he has seen fit to give this family. My amazing loving husband who treats me like a treasured woman. V who is so special and sweet. And all our family far away whom we think about all the time.